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Subject: Bible meaning of CHURCH
Replies: 12 Views: 5098

endtimes 26.12.08 - 09:41am
The word CHURCH is used in the Scriptures in two senses: one, in a universal sense; and two, in a local sense. In the universal sense the church consists of all those who, in this dispensation, have been born again of the Spirit of God and have by that same Spirit been baptized into the body of Christ. - 1 Cor 12 : 13 *

endtimes 26.12.08 - 09:42am
The gospel of Jesus Christ is simply His death, burial, and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins and our justification before God - 1Cor 15 : 3-4

The blood of Jesus Christ actually cleanses an individual from his sins. Eph 1 : 7, Col. 1 : 14, 20-22, Rom 3 : 25, Heb 9 : 12 - 14, 1 John 1: 7 - When an individual believes the gostpel and invites Jesus into his heart as his personal Savior by faith, that person automatically becomes a part of the universal church. *

endtimes 26.12.08 - 09:43am
The second way the word church is used in the Bible is in the local sense. That is, a local church is a group of professed believers in any locality who have banded together to carry out the Great Commission. Thus, we read in the Bible about the church of Ephesus, the church at Corinth, the church at Galatia, the church of the Thessolonians, the church at Jerusalem, and others. In other words, once an individual accepts Jesus Christ into his heart as his personal Savior, it is God 's plan for that individual to become part of a local church in his own area. Christians around the world are part of the universal church that the Bible describes as being the body of Christ, or the bride of Christ. Yet, at the same time, each Christian is united with a local church. *

endtimes 26.12.08 - 09:45am
The root meaning of the word CHURCH

The word church comes from the original word ekklesia, which means 'assembly'. The Greek ek means 'out' and the Greek word kaleo means 'to call'. Thus, a church is an assembly of people who have been 'called out' from sin and called to worship and serve God. *

endtimes 26.12.08 - 09:46am
The church is the body of Christ :
(Eph 1 : 22-23; 5 : 23-29; Col 1 : 24, 2 : 19 ) which means it is the universal, mystical, invisible and triumphant body. The body is composed of all believers in this dispensation from Pentecost to the rapture. So the word church could be either singular (one local body) or plural (many churches referred to as 'the church'. ) ( Acts 9 : 31 ) *

endtimes 26.12.08 - 09:48am
The word church indicates and unassembled assembly, such as those Saul of Tarsus sought to arrest as he entered 'every house' looking for Christians ( Acts 8 : 3 ) . It also indicated and assembled assembly, people who came together in one place to worship. In Revelation 2 and 3, the 'church' was is an assembly that did not belong to God, those who practiced heresy and/or evil deeds. *

endtimes 26.12.08 - 09:49am
The Church is an assembly of born-again believers in whom Christ dwells by the Holy Spirit, an assembly that exists for the glory of God, under the discipline of the Word of God. It must be spiritually prepared to carry out the Great Commission. Its credibility is evident through the manifestation of spiritual gifts to nurture and reproduce itself. Hence, a local church is more than just a gathering of Christians. It must assemble for the right purpose and have the right organization and authority. It must have God 's seal on its existance. When a group of Christians is characterized by these distinctives, it is a church in the biblical sense of the word. *

endtimes 26.12.08 - 09:51am
Paul spoke also of Christ being the Head of the Body Eph 4 : 15. While these truths are spoken of the universal body, what is true of the whole should be true of each individual part, each local church. In the same way, individuals are part of the universal body by the Holy Spirit 's work of joining us to the body of Christ : 'For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body - whether Jews or Greeks...and have all been made to drink into one Spirit. For in fact the body is not one member but many. 1 Cor 12 : 13,14 *

nanzelu 1.01.09 - 04:02am
Gud topic sis thnx happy.GIF new year. *

endtimes 2.01.09 - 10:11am
Happy new year nanzelu carrot.GIF *

nanzelu 2.01.09 - 11:12am
May u b so fruitful in 2009 ths ur year.I realis dat anointng upon u.u lough n smile wth ur enemy.n they wl joy wth u *

endtimes 2.01.09 - 06:04pm
Thank you, and amen. God bless your coming in and your going out. *

nanzelu 2.01.09 - 08:57pm
Thnx may God bless u sis. *

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